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Facebook Profiles Publishing No Longer Supported: What To Do Instead?

Loomly News

03 Jul 2018 • 1 min read •

The Loomly Team

Starting July 26, 2018 it will no longer be possible, in Loomly, to connect and publish to Facebook Profiles.

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Why This Is Happening

As part of an ongoing effort to deliver the most valuable and secure experience to the Facebook community, as well as prevent spam and abuse within their ecosystem, Facebook is making changes to the Facebook API, hence modifying how third-party applications can interact with Facebook.

As part of those changes, the publish_actions permission, which allowed third-party applications to publish posts to a Facebook Profile on behalf of a user, is getting deprecated.

This change is not specific to Loomly: starting August 1st, no third-party application will legitimately be able to support Facebook Profiles publishing:

The publish_actions permission will be deprecated. This permission granted apps access to publish posts to Facebook as the logged in user. Apps created from today onwards will not have access to this permission. Apps created before today that have been previously approved to request publish_actions can continue to do so until August 1, 2018. No further apps will be approved to use publish_actions via app review.

What To Do Next

If you are using Loomly to manage and publish posts to your Facebook Profile, you have two options:

  • If you are using your Facebook Profile for personal use, then the best approach starting July 26, 2018 will be to post directly from or the Facebook mobile apps.
  • If you are using your Facebook Profile to represent your business or organization, then you should consider converting it into a Facebook Page, per this Facebook FAQ, and connecting your newly-converted Facebook Page to Loomly.
Note: regardless of this Facebook API change, if you are using your Facebook Profile to represent anything other than yourself, it is in your best interest to convert your Facebook Profile to a Facebook Page, on the one hand to avoid losing access to your account and on the other hand to unlock the many benefits Facebook Pages have to offer for brands & communities.

We hope this change will not affect your social media publishing workflow and as always we are happy to assist you go through this change: feel free to reach out to us at with any question.

In any case, Loomly will keep supporting Facebook Pages publishing & analytics, and we will keep developing new, exciting features to help you manage your Facebook community.


The Loomly Team.

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