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Boost Your LinkedIn Brand by Scheduling LinkedIn Polls

Loomly News

05 Mar 2024 • 3 min read •

Rene Cheng

We now support LinkedIn PDF carousel post scheduling as of May 2024! Read this blog post to learn more. 

With over 900 million users and an impressive rate of 3 new registrations per second, LinkedIn has become a prime platform for individuals and companies to showcase their personal brand, products, and services. 

In addition to sharing updates and connecting with audiences using posts and articles, experimenting with LinkedIn polls offers social media marketers opportunities to gather market insights, track trends, assess customer preferences, and initiate meaningful conversations.  

Which is why we’re thrilled to announce that you can now schedule LinkedIn polls using Loomly to further enhance your LinkedIn presence and boost engagement with your audience.




Manage all your social media accounts in one place.

Craft, schedule, & auto-post content to all your social channels, then track analytics and manage interactions from a single, easy-to-use dashboard.

How to create LinkedIn polls in Loomly 

Scheduling LinkedIn polls in Loomly is simple:

  1. Create a post to launch Post Builder and add details like Subject and Label
  2. Select LinkedIn as your platform and draft your generic copy 
  3. Click “Next” to proceed to the Fine-tuning Panel, and you’ll see the option to “+ Add Poll”
  4. Craft a poll question and provide up to four options for respondents to choose from
  5. Select a duration for the poll to remain active on LinkedIn: one day, three days, one week, two weeks 
  6. Schedule or submit for approval, and then you’re all set! 

💡 Please note: Media attachments, link previews, audience targeting, and post sponsoring are not available for polls.



Start a LinkedIn conversation using polls 

LinkedIn polls offer a dynamic way to connect with your audience by understanding their perspectives on a range of topics. Since anyone can vote on a poll, you’re able to amplify your reach even further!

LinkedIn displays polls in the Feed, reaching users who may not follow your Company Page or may not be directly connected with you. This exposure paired with LinkedIn’s algorithm makes polls one of the easiest and most effective ways to draw attention to your content. 

Of course the quality of your poll content remains one of the biggest ways to drive engagement.  


How to use LinkedIn polls  

LinkedIn polls are a powerful tool for social media marketers to:

  • Collect feedback from your audience to help inform your future strategy, products, and services
  • Generate interest for an upcoming product launch to create excitement and build community buzz
  • Assess customers’ preferences on specific topics or for certain products
  • Identify emerging industry trends 
  • Gain a deeper understanding of your audience’s demographics and interests

LinkedIn polls best practices 

While there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to creating LinkedIn polls, incorporating the following best practices can help enhance engagement and foster trust with your audience:

1. Include an open-ended option 

To maximize your engagement with your LinkedIn poll, consider adding an “Other (Please comment)” option. This simple addition can spark conversation and encourage users to share their thoughts. 

Here’s a great example: 

LinkedIn Polls Loomly Example

By adding an “Other (Please comment)” option in the LinkedIn poll, Stefan Wolpers was able to generate 108 comments. This level of engagement not only fosters meaningful interactions but also increases your content’s visibility as LinkedIn’s algorithm favors posts with higher engagement rates. 

2. Keep your polls short and simple 

While creating your LinkedIn poll, the rule of thumb is to keep it simple. In the end, you don’t want to overwhelm your audience with a convoluted question or confusing options. 

Stick to concise, straightforward prompts like, “Are you a dog person or a cat person?” (We’re equal opportunity here at Loomly) This approach increases the likelihood of participation and keeps your audience engaged. 

3. Don’t ghost your commenters

As a social media marketer, you always want to make sure you’re actively engaging with your audience. Respond to comments and questions, especially when you’ve encouraged viewers to participate with the “Please Comment” option. 

💡Pro Tip: You can use Loomly’s Interactions to easily manage and respond to comments! Easily filter by “Unread” to focus your attention. 

4. Add relevant hashtags in your caption

Similar to a regular social post, LinkedIn polls allow you to add hashtags to reach a wider audience. Adding relevant hashtags to the captions of your LinkedIn polls ensures your posts gain visibility and reach the right audiences. 

💡Pro Tip: Loomly’s Hashtag Manager allows you to collect and save certain commonly used collections of hashtags for future use to optimize your poll’s performance on LinkedIn. 

Loomly Hashtag Manager Collection

Maximize your reach by scheduling LinkedIn polls with Loomly

Now you’re ready to schedule LinkedIn polls using Loomly! LinkedIn polls are a great way to increase your engagement on LinkedIn and boost your credibility and trust within the LinkedIn platform. 

Take these best practices with you as you create your LinkedIn poll in Loomly. Log in now

New to Loomly? Start your free 15-day trial and try it for yourself. 

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