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Introducing LinkedIn Audience Targeting

Loomly News

06 Jan 2021 • 1 min read •

The Loomly Team

Today, we are glad to introduce a new feature allowing you to publish LinkedIn posts even more accurately through Loomly: LinkedIn Audience Targeting.

You can access LinkedIn Audience Targeting in the fifth panel of Post Builder and limit who will see your post, based on the following attributes:

  • Industries
  • Seniorities
  • Functions
  • Company size
  • Languages
  • Locations

Linkedin Audience Targeting Loomly Post Builder

Important notes:

  • LinkedIn Audience Targeting requires that you connect a LinkedIn Company Page to your calendar.
  • LinkedIn only permits targeting segments that contain at least 300 followers: publishing will fail if this requirement is not met.
  • LinkedIn Audience Targeting isn’t available for polls.

LinkedIn Audience Targeting is already available to all Loomly users: login now and check it out.

As always, this is an update inspired by your amazing feedback and we can’t thank you enough for your support and your enthusiasm over the years.

Every day, we get even more grateful to be able to build Loomly for you: you are incredible, thank you so much.

The Loomly Team.

Loomly is the Brand Successful Platform that helps marketing teams collaborate, publish & measure: start your 15-day free trial now.

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