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Covid-19 Survey Results: Your Main Business Challenge & How Loomly Can Help

Loomly News

13 May 2020 • 1 min read •

The Loomly Team

In April 2020, we asked you in this survey about the main business challenge you were facing as a result of Covid-19.

Here are the details about who responded, what you told us and how we can — very humbly — try to help.

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In A Nutshell

Covid-19 Main Business Challenge Infographic Introducing Loomly Match

Your Responses In Details

  • 55% of brands say their #1 current challenge is generating online sales (and 35% say it is adjusting their communication to the current context)…
  • … while 51% of consultants say their #1 current challenge is retaining existing clients (whose own budgets have been impacted by the pandemic).
  • 53% of brands are interested in connecting with a consultant who can help them boost their online presence and 91% of consultants are interested in connecting with a brand to accomplish exactly that.
  • Brands need help with strategy & planning (68%), content production (64%) and analytics & reporting (40%)…
  • … which overlaps perfectly with what consultants’ expertise, who can help brands with content production (84%), strategy & planning (81%) and analytics & reporting (62%).
  • Bottom line: brands & consultants can solve their respective business challenges by working together.

How We Can Help

Loomly serves thousands of customers on both sides of the table.

If you are a Brand (business or non-profit) or a Consultant (agency or freelancer), we can help you connect with your next potential business partner.

In this effort to face Covid-19 together, we are launching Loomly Match to do just that.

If you would like to join this 100%-free initiative, please visit this page.

Who Responded

Covid-19 survey results main business challenge who responded

  • 520 marketing professionals responded to the survey.
  • 60% of respondents identify themselves as a brand (business or non-profit) and 40% as a consultant (agency or freelancer).
  • 80% of respondents are part of an organization including 1-49 people:
    • 27% are independent (1 person).
    • 46% are part of an organization including 2-9 people.
    • 16% are part of an organization including 10-49 people.
    • 4% are part of an organization including 50-99 people.
    • 6% are part of an organization including 100-999 people.
    • 1% are part of an organization including 1,000+ people.
  • Respondents are mainly located in the US (49%), UK (10%), Canada (8%), Australia (6%) and Spain (3%).
  • English is the primary language to conduct business for 80% of respondents.
  • Respondents — who were allowed to select multiple responses — operate in the following industries:
    • Professional services: 24%.
    • Internet & Direct Marketing: 19%.
    • Media: 17%.
    • Health Care: 16%.
    • Entertainment: 14%.
    • Interactive Media & Services: 11%.
    • Hotels, Restaurants & Leisure: 11%.
    • Food Products: 9%.

Loomly is the Brand Success Platform that helps marketing teams, including brands (businesses & non-profit organizations) and consultants (agencies & freelancers), collaborate, publish and measure: start your 15-day free trial now.
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