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Mention LinkedIn Profiles in Your Posts

Loomly News

23 May 2023 • 1 min read •

The Loomly Team

Editor’s Note: Discover the latest enhancement to Loomly’s LinkedIn support as of March 2024. Explore the details in our latest blog post!

The Loomly team is thrilled to announce an exciting new feature to make your LinkedIn experience more efficient and impactful: the ability to mention and tag followers in your scheduled LinkedIn posts! 🎉

We know how important it is to directly engage with your audience, congratulate team members, and highlight their achievements. With this latest update, you can mention and tag any one of your LinkedIn followers, making your posts more interactive.

Manage all your social media accounts in one place.

Craft, schedule, & auto-post content to all your social channels, then track analytics and manage interactions from a single, easy-to-use dashboard.

How To Tag Profiles on LinkedIn Posts With Loomly

  1. Log in to Loomly and click “New Post” in your calendar.
  2. Set post details and select LinkedIn as a channel.
  3. Write your post.
  4. Fine-tune the content of your post for LinkedIn, and tag your follower by typing @username.
  5. Send your post for approval, schedule it, or publish it now.
  6. To see your post on LinkedIn, click “View post on LinkedIn” from your post view.

How LinkedIn Mentions With Loomly Can Help 

As you craft your LinkedIn posts in Loomly, you can tag coworkers, peers, and friends who might be interested in your content.  If you’re sharing a LinkedIn PDF carousel post and you reference another user’s content or ideas, it’s a great idea to tag them and extend your reach. You can also mention your content collaborators or tag certain thought leaders or brands who might be interested in your content.

Boost Sales and Event Engagement 

Organizing sales initiatives or events? Now, you can tag your sales team or any other involved employees directly in your scheduled LinkedIn posts using Loomly. By doing so, you provide your potential customers with an additional avenue to connect directly with the right employee. This seamless communication channel can enhance customer interactions and conversions.

Streamline Your Workflow

Say goodbye to the hassle of retroactive tagging and maximize the efficiency of your social media management. With this new update, you can tag your followers on LinkedIn without leaving your Loomly dashboard. This means you’ll save valuable hours each month, as you no longer have to manually tag individuals on the platform after your posts have been published. 

Enhance Your Reach By Celebrating Your Clients & Employees

Tagging your clients and employees is a great way to personalize your interactions and show that you value their achievements. This is also an effective way to expand your reach as your posts can be exposed to their network, leading to further visibility among their connections.

Ready to try Loomly for yourself? Start your free trial today!

Stay tuned for more exciting updates and features coming your way. 🚀

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